Hello, my name is Kan Ongwat. I was born in Bangkok, Thailand. I’m a freelance photographer based in Thailand. My work is to provide a story telling and  emotional moments of  any occasion , This is what i do!I started shooting when i was in high school. I had a great appreciation in art since when i was young. But drawing and painting has not fulfil my passion yet. I wanted to express my creativity through something else, and that’s when i came across Photography

One day my sister was playing around with her film camera, she asked me to take a picture of her. I hesitated since i have no idea how that mechanical thing works. “Just look through the view finder and  push the damn button! ” said my sister. So i did, and after a while i didn’t even realised that i took so many until I ran out of  the film. After a few days she showed me all the photos I took.

It was 15 shots in total which half go them is blurry. But i was very satisfied with my work. I realised that i could reflect my creativity through Photography.

I then realised that Photography is my passion

Kan Ongwat